Thursday, July 10, 2008

My Assignment

To prepare any assignment given by my lecturer is nothing. I can done it in a day which the result of the report will be good. ( like i had done the report for a month)... want to know the secret?... I let u know... (orang cakap... jangan kedekut ilmu)... hehe...

Firstly, i cut and paste everything facts that i need (just google anywhere), then i just read back and try to connect every sentence and paragraph smoothly. Secondly, i arrange the look of the assignment as perfect as it can see. (to do this, you had to know very well all the microsoftword tools).

Here my assignment and powerpoint example.. (Huh Show Off)....

That not the real point here... i give you some of the disadvantage of COPY & PASTE assignment....

1. You actually never learn anything about the subject.
2. You're the one that fooled - not your lecturer.
3. Your wasting everything - "unusable scroll"- that why no one going to hire you.
4. Else?...You know it!!!

So, moral of the story... Do your assignment given by your lecturer.. it's for you own good (and ur grade ;p).

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